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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Walking vs climbing stairs: Which is a more effective weight loss exercise?

Choosing the right exercise for weight loss can be challenging. Compare walking and stair climbing to determine which is more effective for burning calories and losing weight. 


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Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s easy on the joints and accessible for most people. It helps improve cardiovascular health and burns calories over time. 

1. Walking Overview 

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Walking at a moderate pace (4 mph) burns approximately 300-400 calories per hour. It’s effective for weight management and improving overall fitness. 

2. Calorie Burn: Walking 

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Stair climbing is a high-intensity workout that engages multiple muscle groups. It’s great for building strength and cardiovascular endurance while burning calories quickly. 

3. Stair Climbing Overview 

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Climbing stairs can burn around 500-700 calories per hour. Its intensity makes it a powerful exercise for weight loss and improving lower body strength. 

4. Calorie Burn: Stair Climbing 

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Stair climbing is more intense than walking, leading to higher calorie expenditure in a shorter time. It also enhances cardiovascular fitness more rapidly. 

5. Intensity Comparison 

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Walking is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people with joint issues or beginners. Stair climbing, while effective, may be tough on the knees and hips. 

6. Joint Impact 

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Stair climbing targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings more intensely than walking. It also improves muscle tone and strength in the lower body. 

7. Muscle Engagement 

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Both walking and stair climbing are effective for weight loss. Stair climbing offers higher calorie burn and muscle engagement but is more intense. Walking is more accessible and easier on the joints. 


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