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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Healthiest Weight Gain Foods That You Must Include In Your Diet

Looking to gain weight the healthy way? It’s not just about eating more but eating right! Here's a list of nutrient-dense foods that can help you pack on pounds healthily. 


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Rich in healthy fats and calories, avocados are great for weight gain. They’re also packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals to boost overall health. 

1. Avocado

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Nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts are calorie-dense and full of healthy fats. Nut butters are a creamy, delicious way to add calories to your snacks. 

2. Nuts & Nut Butter

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Full-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese provide high-quality protein and fat, making them excellent for gaining weight. Plus, they’re rich in calcium for bone health. 

3. Full-Fat Dairy

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Foods like oats, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread are rich in complex carbs, which fuel your body and aid in muscle gain. Pair them with protein for a balanced meal. 

4. Whole Grain

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Eggs are a fantastic source of protein, healthy fats, and key vitamins. They're versatile and easy to add to any meal, helping to build muscle and gain healthy weight. 

5. Eggs

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Chicken and turkey are packed with high-quality protein and iron. These meats support muscle growth and can be easily added to any diet plan. 

6. Lean Meat

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Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash are high in calories and carbs. They're great for adding bulk to meals and provide long-lasting energy for workouts. 

7. Potatoes & Starchy Vegetable

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Gaining weight doesn’t have to mean junk food! Include these nutrient-rich foods in your diet, and you’ll see steady, healthy gains while supporting overall wellness. 


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