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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Is the Future of Protein : Plant Based Meat?

Protein has been the subject of much discussion; yet another new trend is "Plant-based Meat or Mock Meat."


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Considering how many people are becoming vegetarian or vegan, plant-based meats are becoming quite a delight for them.

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Plant-based meats, as the name suggests, are plant-based substitutes for meat derived from peas, soy, rice, wheat, and mushrooms. 

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They are said to be healthier for the heart and general well-being because they contain fewer calories and saturated fats.

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Being rich in protein and fibre, it also contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

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Plant-based meats are good for vegetarians as well as vegans and can also be used to meet protein requirements.

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Whether being a vegetarian or a vegan, maintaining our protein needs can be a task; with this innovation of "Plant-Based Meat", now you can fulfil your protein requirements, and your taste buds will relish it too. 


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