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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Types of Nut Butter

In the world of spreads, nut butter offers a delicious and nutritious alternative. There are several types of nut butter available, each offering its unique flavor and nutritional profile.  


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Peanut butter is perhaps the most well-known nut butter. It has a creamy texture and a rich, nutty flavour. Peanut butter is a good source of protein, healthy fats, and various vitamins and minerals. 

1. Peanut Butter

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It is made from ground almonds and has a slightly sweeter and milder taste compared to peanut butter. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and magnesium, which are beneficial for heart health.

2. Almond Butter

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Cashew butter is smooth and creamy with a mild, buttery flavor. It is lower in fat compared to some other nut butters but still provides healthy fats, protein, and minerals such as copper and magnesium. 

3. Cashew Butter

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Walnut butter has a distinct earthy flavour and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health. It also contains antioxidants and other beneficial compounds that promote heart health. 

4. Walnut Butter

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Hazelnut butter has a rich and indulgent taste, often associated with chocolate. It is a good source of healthy fats, fibre, vitamin E, and minerals like manganese and copper. 

5. Hazelnut Butter

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Pecan butter has a naturally sweet and buttery flavour. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, fibre, and various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E and zinc. 

6. Pecan Butter

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Pistachio butter has a vibrant green colour and a unique, slightly sweet and nutty taste. It offers a good source of protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants. 

7. Pistachio Butter

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These nut butters can be enjoyed on their own, spread on toast, used as a dip, added to smoothies or baked goods. When choosing nut butter, opt for varieties with no added sugars or hydrogenated oils to maximize their nutritional benefits.  


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