
Vitamin D: A Comprehensive Guide

Do you suffer from a lack of energy, chronic pain, and mood swings? Are you tired of feeling tired?

Vitamin D enhances your immune system, decreases inflammation, and uplifts your mood; the sunshine vitamin is the key to a happy life. 

This Guide will show you how to get the most out of your Vitamin D supplement. You’ll learn about the three types of Vitamin D supplements and which is best for you. You’ll also learn about the benefits of Vitamin D and how much you should take.

Read this now to start feeling better!

What is Vitamin D?

Source: Canva

Vitamin D can be obtained through dietary sources or supplements. Foods such as fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, and codfish), egg yolks, mushrooms, fortified milk, orange juice, breakfast cereals, and yogurt are rich in Vitamin D. However, obtaining the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D through diet and sun exposure can be challenging. 

There are two primary forms of vitamin D: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.

Vitamin D2 is found in some plant-based foods, while vitamin D3 is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight and is also found in some animal-based foods. 

Vitamin D3 is the more effective form of vitamin D and is the form most commonly used in supplements.

Hence, taking Vitamin D supplements is a reliable option to fulfill your daily requirement.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Source: Canva

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including the normal mineralization of bones, muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and cellular activity. Let’s understand in detail why one must never compromise on vitamin D.

1. Strong bone and dental health

To maintain strong and healthy bones and teeth, it is imperative to ensure adequate Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D promotes the absorption and resorption of calcium in the small intestine, which may otherwise be excreted by the kidneys, thus maintaining a healthy level of calcium in the body.

2. Support bone mineralization

Our bones contain a lot of mineral matter like calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, etc. Inadequate levels of any of these minerals can weaken bones, ultimately increasing the risk of osteoporosis. 

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy calcium and phosphorus levels. Athletes and gym-goers with low Vitamin D levels may be at a higher risk of fractures and injuries due to weakened bones. Therefore, ensuring adequate Vitamin D levels is crucial for maintaining healthy bones and reducing the risk of injury.

3. Boost immune health

Vitamin D has the ability to regulate both innate and adaptive immune responses in the body. A deficiency in Vitamin D has been linked with an increased risk of autoimmune disorders and susceptibility to infections. Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Vitamin D supplements were often prescribed as a part of the treatment plan to boost the immune system’s strength.

4. Minimize heart disease risk

Recent research indicates that maintaining sufficient Vitamin D levels can help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders. Vitamin D accomplishes this by regulating the renin-angiotensin system, decreasing blood coagulation, and exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Lower diabetes risk

Vitamin D can play a crucial role in promoting healthy blood glucose levels by enhancing insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Therefore, individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes may benefit from maintaining sufficient Vitamin D levels.

6. Anti-inflammatory

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation by inhibiting the proliferation of inflammatory cytokines. Studies have shown that Vitamin D treatment can effectively reduce disease severity in patients with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma.

7. Healthy brain functioning

Vitamin D is known to have neuroprotective properties, and low levels of Vitamin D have been associated with an increased risk of several neurological conditions. These include multiple sclerosis, cognitive impairment, dementia, psychosis, and depression. Therefore, maintaining optimal levels of Vitamin D in the body may be crucial for preserving neurological health and reducing the risk of such conditions.

8. Improve sleep quality

A deficiency in Vitamin D may contribute to trouble sleeping, as it plays a vital role in melatonin production. This hormone regulates human circadian rhythms and promotes healthy sleep. Therefore, maintaining adequate levels of Vitamin D may be helpful for individuals experiencing sleep disturbances.

9. Strong muscles

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining muscle health, particularly for individuals who engage in physical activity or training to build muscle size and strength. Vitamin D can help reduce muscle damage and promote skeletal muscle regeneration and recovery, making it particularly beneficial for bodybuilders, athletes, and active individuals looking to improve their muscle health.

10. Support weight loss goals

Research has indicated that individuals with higher levels of body fat tend to have lower levels of Vitamin D. Moreover, studies have also shown that there may be a link between Vitamin D and weight loss, with individuals with higher Vitamin D levels experiencing more significant weight loss than those with lower levels.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Source: Canva

Studies indicate that a significant proportion of the Indian population (around 80-90%) may have insufficient Vitamin D. While some individuals may not be classified as “deficient,” they may still have low levels of the vitamin. 

In such cases, it may be safe to consider increasing Vitamin D intake, even in the absence of any apparent symptoms, to reach optimal levels.

1. Less sunlight exposure.

Vitamin D is produced in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. Therefore, people who live in areas with limited sunlight exposure, such as northern latitudes or during the winter months, are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.

2. Excess use of sunscreen lotions

While it is essential to protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun, using sunscreen with a high SPF can also reduce our body’s ability to produce vitamin D.

3. Dark skin

People with dark skin produce less vitamin D, as high melanin content reduces the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight.

4. Inadequate Vitamin D-rich foods intake

Inadequate Vitamin D-rich foods intake leads to vitamin D deficiency. This deficiency can lead to a range of health problems, including weakened bones, increased risk of fractures, and osteoporosis. Therefore, it is essential to consume a diet rich in vitamin D-containing foods or take a vitamin D supplement if necessary. 

5. High pollution levels

Pollution can block the UVB rays from the sun that are necessary for vitamin D synthesis in the skin. In areas with high pollution levels, the air can be filled with particles that absorb and scatter UVB radiation, reducing the amount of vitamin D produced in the skin.

Research has also shown that people living in areas with high pollution levels have lower vitamin D levels than those living in areas with lower pollution levels. 

6. Breastfeeding

While breast milk is an excellent source of nutrients for infants, it contains very little vitamin D. Infants who are exclusively breastfed and do not receive vitamin D supplements are at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to rickets, a condition that affects bone development. 

Breastfeeding mothers may also be at risk of vitamin D deficiency if their intake is inadequate. It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers consume a diet that is rich in vitamin D-containing foods or take a vitamin D supplement to ensure that both they and their infants are getting enough of this vital nutrient.

7. Spending more time indoors

Spending more time indoors reduces exposure to sunlight, the primary source of vitamin D for most people. This can increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency, especially in those who spend most of their time inside, such as elderly individuals or those with mobility issues.

8. Ageing

Our skin’s ability to synthesize vitamin D decreases with age. Additionally, older adults may be less likely to spend time outdoors or have a diet with adequate amounts of vitamin D, increasing their risk of deficiency.

9. Reduced ability to absorb dietary fat in the body

Reduced ability to absorb dietary fat due to certain medical conditions, such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or cystic fibrosis, can lead to vitamin D deficiency.

Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin D

Source: Canva

Vitamin D deficiency can cause a range of symptoms, including:

1. Poor immune health

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in modulating the immune system and enhancing its ability to fight infections. Thus, a deficiency in vitamin D can impair immune function and increase the risk of infections, such as colds, flu, and respiratory infections. In fact, studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels are more likely to get sick than those with adequate levels.

2. Fatigue

Vitamin D is essential for energy production in the body, and a lack of it can lead to a feeling of exhaustion. In fact, many people with low vitamin D levels report feeling tired and run down, even if they are getting enough sleep.

3. Bone pain

Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to weakened bones, which can result in bone pain. This can manifest as back, joint, or general bone pain.

4. Weight gain

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to weight gain and obesity, although the exact mechanism is unclear. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can promote weight loss and prevent obesity-related diseases.

5. Impaired wound healing

Vitamin D is essential for the healing of wounds, as it helps in the production of new skin cells and the formation of scar tissue. A deficiency in vitamin D can impair wound healing and increase the risk of infections, such as skin infections and slow-healing wounds.

6. Muscle pain and loss of strength

Vitamin D plays a vital role in maintaining muscle function and strength. A deficiency in vitamin D can cause muscle weakness and pain, affecting daily activities, such as climbing stairs, lifting objects, or even walking.

7. Hairfall

Vitamin D deficiency can cause hair loss and thinning. This is because vitamin D plays a role in regulating hair follicle cycling and growth. Studies have shown that people with alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, often have low vitamin D levels.

8. Mood swings and depression

Vitamin D regulates neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, essential for mood regulation. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to mood swings and an increased risk of depression. In fact, studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels are more likely to experience depression and anxiety.

9. Rickets in children and Osteoporosis in adults (in case of prolonged deficiency)

In children, a severe deficiency in vitamin D can lead to rickets, a condition that causes soft, weak bones and skeletal deformities. In adults, a prolonged deficiency in vitamin D can lead to Osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become brittle and fragile, increasing the risk of fractures.

10. Frequent infections

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function; a deficiency in this vitamin can increase the risk of infections. Additionally, studies have shown that low vitamin D levels are associated with weight gain and obesity.

Range of Vitamin D levels

Source: Canva

Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels within the normal range is essential to support overall health and prevent deficiencies or toxicities.

The range of vitamin D levels in the blood can be classified into several categories. 

  • Normal Vitamin D level: An average vitamin D level is between 30-50 ng/ml.
  • Vitamin D deficiency: Levels lower than 20 ng/ml indicate a deficiency in vitamin D
  • People prone to deficiency: Levels between 20-30 ng/ml suggest a predisposition to deficiency.
  • Vitamin D toxicity: Vitamin D toxicity is indicated by levels above 100 ng/ml.

Daily Requirement of Vitamin D

Source: Canva

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research’s recommended daily allowance (RDA), the daily vitamin D requirement for Indians varies based on age. And it is as follows:

  • Infants: 400 IU or 10 mcg/ day.
  • Children: 600 IU or 15 mcg/ day.
  • Adults: 600 IU or 15 mcg/day.

It is essential to ensure daily vitamin D requirements are met to maintain good health and prevent deficiencies.

Vitamin D Dosage

Source: Canva

Vitamin D deficiency treatment involves including sources of vitamin D in the diet and vitamin D supplements. However, you will find ample supplement variety in the market with varied strengths and recommended dosages. 

Are there any side effects of Vitamin D supplements?

Source: Canva

To prevent vitamin D toxicity, avoiding excessive intake of supplements is essential. The recommended dosage of vitamin D supplements may vary from person to person, depending on their existing vitamin D levels, so it is advisable to seek medical advice before starting a supplement regimen. Overuse of vitamin D supplements may result in side effects such as:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Metallic taste
  • Vomiting
  • Calcification of bones
  • Hardening of blood vessels, lung, heart, and kidney tissues


Source: Canva

In conclusion, vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in maintaining overall health. It is crucial to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D in the body. Even with a healthy and nutritious diet, some individuals may require vitamin D supplements to achieve optimal blood levels. Ensuring adequate vitamin D intake and monitoring vitamin D levels through regular blood tests can help prevent deficiencies or toxicities and support overall health.

What are the guidelines for vitamin D?

The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 400 international units (IU) for children up to age 12 months, 600 IU for people ages 1 to 70 years, and 800 IU for people over 70 years.

What is the important of vitamin A and vitamin D?

The key nutrients needed for maintaining healthy bones as you age are protein, calcium and vitamin D. However, eating enough vitamin A is also necessary for proper bone growth and development, and a deficiency in this vitamin has been linked to poor bone health.

What are the 5 major functions of vitamin D?

9 Vital Functions Of Vitamin D
Immunity. Vitamin D receptors are found all over the body, including the immune cells.
Bones. It’s well-documented that vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of calcium, and it’s been shown to greatly reduce fracture risk in two ways.
Weight Loss.

What are 3 things that happen if you are deficient in vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiency is a common vitamin deficiency that causes issues with your bones and muscles. It most commonly affects people over the age of 65 and people who have darker skin.
Signs and symptoms might include:
Bone pain.
Muscle weakness, muscle aches or muscle cramps.
Mood changes, like depression.

What is a critical level of vitamin D?

Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency

Although there is no consensus on vitamin D levels required for optimal health — and it likely differs depending on age and health conditions — a concentration of less than 20 nanograms per milliliter is generally considered inadequate, requiring treatment.

When is the best time to take vitamin D?

Try taking it alongside breakfast or with a bedtime snack — as long as it doesn’t interfere with your sleep. The key is to find what works for you and stick with it to ensure you’re meeting your vitamin D needs. Taking vitamin D with a meal can increase its absorption, but studies on specific timing are limited.

Navneet Kaur

M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics

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