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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


10 Nutritious Ways to Eat Eggs

Eggs are a versatile and nutritious food that can be incorporated into a healthy diet. With their high-quality protein and essential nutrients, exploring various ways to enjoy eggs can add both taste and health benefits to your meals. 


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Whip up an omelette with egg whites or whole eggs and fill it with an assortment of colorful vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, onions, and mushrooms for added fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

1. Veggie-packed Omelette 

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Sauté a handful of fresh spinach in a non-stick pan, then add scrambled eggs and crumbled feta cheese. Cook until the eggs are light and fluffy, and enjoy the flavorful combination. 

2. Spinach and Feta Scrambled Eggs 

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Top whole grain toast with mashed avocado and a poached or fried egg. This combination offers healthy fats, protein, and fiber for a satisfying and nutritious breakfast or snack. 

3. Avocado and Egg Toast 

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Bake eggs with diced tomatoes, bell peppers, olives, and feta cheese. Sprinkle with herbs like oregano or basil and bake until the eggs are set. Serve with whole grain bread for a complete meal. 

4. Mediterranean-style Baked Eggs

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Sauté mixed vegetables like broccoli, carrots, snap peas, and onions in a non-stick pan, then add beaten eggs and scramble them together until cooked. Season with your choice of herbs and spices for a quick and nutritious stir-fry. 

5. Egg & Vegetable Stir-Fry 

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Make a healthy egg salad using chopped hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt or light mayonnaise, and diced celery and green onions. Wrap the egg salad in large lettuce leaves for a low-carb and protein-packed meal. 

6. Egg Salad Lettuce Wraps 

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Cut the tops off bell peppers and remove the seeds. Stuff the peppers with a mixture of cooked quinoa, scrambled eggs, diced vegetables, and shredded cheese. Bake until the peppers are tender and the filling is cooked through. 

7. Quinoa and Vegetable-stuffed Pepper

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Create a nutritious breakfast bowl with smoked salmon, poached eggs, mixed greens, and sliced avocado. Drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with herbs for a refreshing and satisfying meal. 

8. Egg and Salmon Breakfast Bowl 

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Whisk together eggs with chopped vegetables, such as zucchini, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes. Pour the mixture into greased muffin tins and bake until set. These individual frittata muffins make a convenient and portable option for on-the-go meals or snacks. 

9. Egg and Vegetable Frittata Muffins

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Mix chopped hard-boiled eggs with diced vegetables like celery, bell peppers, and onions. Use Greek yogurt or light mayonnaise as a healthier alternative to bind the ingredients together. Enjoy the egg salad on whole grain bread or as a lettuce wrap. 

10. Egg Salad

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By incorporating these healthy ways to eat eggs into your meal planning, you can enjoy the nutritional benefits of eggs while adding variety and flavor to your diet. Whether you choose to enjoy them boiled, scrambled, or in creative recipes, eggs can be a delicious and nutritious addition to a well-rounded eating plan. 


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