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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


10 Signs That You Are Sleep Deprived

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to sacrifice sleep for productivity. However, your body has a way of signaling when it needs more rest. Join us as we explore the subtle indicators that reveal you might be sleep-deprived. 


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Are those under-eye bags becoming permanent residents? It might be more than just a late-night Netflix binge. 

1. Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

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Yawns are contagious, but if you find yourself doing it all day, you might be lacking some serious shut-eye. 

2.  Constant Yawning

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Is your patience running thinner than usual? Sleep deprivation could be the culprit.* 

3.  Irritability on Overdrive

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If your memory feels like a sieve and your thoughts are constantly cloudy, it might be time to catch some quality sleep. 

4. Forgetfulness and Brain Fog

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Craving snacks at odd hours? Sleep deprivation can mess with your hunger hormones, leading to increased cravings. 

5. Increased Apetite

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Trouble focusing at work or in conversations? Lack of sleep might be impairing your cognitive functions.

6.  Difficulty Concentrating 

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Constantly tripping over your own feet? Sleep deprivation can affect your motor skills.

7.  Clumsiness and Lack of         Coordination

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Frequent Headaches or migranes could be your body's way of telling you it needs more time in dreamland.

8. Headaches and Migranes

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Ever caught yourself zoning out for a split second? These microsleep episodes are sign that your body is desperate for rest. 

9. Microsleep Episodes

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Feeling more stressed than usual? Sleep deprivation can amplify stress, creating a vicious cycle.

10. Increased Stress Levels

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Recognizing these signs early can help you reclaim a good night's rest and improve your overall well-being. Remember, quality sleep is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Prioritize your rest, and your body will thank you! 


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