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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


7 Things to Eat to Repair and Build Muscle Faster

Want to repair and build muscle faster? Your diet is key! Here are 7 nutrient-packed foods that will help you recover after workouts and speed up muscle growth. 


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A great source of high-quality protein, chicken breast provides essential amino acids to support muscle repair and growth. It's low in fat and a gym-goer's favorite! 

1. Lean Chicken Breast 

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Eggs are a complete protein and contain all 9 essential amino acids needed for muscle recovery. Plus, the yolk is packed with vitamins and healthy fats for added benefits. 

2. Eggs 

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Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and protein, salmon reduces inflammation, speeds up recovery, and fuels muscle growth. It’s perfect for post-workout meals. 

3. Salmon 

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Rich in protein and calcium, Greek yogurt supports muscle repair. The probiotics in it also promote gut health, which aids nutrient absorption and overall recovery. 

4. Greek Yogurt 

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A plant-based complete protein, quinoa is a great option for vegetarians. It offers all essential amino acids, plus fiber and carbs to replenish glycogen stores after exercise. 

5. Quinoa 

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Cottage cheese is high in casein, a slow-digesting protein that delivers a steady supply of amino acids to muscles, making it ideal for nighttime recovery. 

6. Cottage Cheese 

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Rich in complex carbs and beta-carotene, sweet potatoes help restore glycogen levels post-workout. They also provide essential vitamins to boost muscle repair. 

7. Sweet Potatoes 

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Fuel your workouts with these foods, and watch your muscle recovery and growth improve. Consistency in both diet and training will lead you to faster, stronger results! 


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