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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Are Millet Based Diets the Future of Indian Nutrition?

Millet is a type of cereal, that is a part of family Poaceae. Let's explore a few types of millets commonly consumed. 


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Finger millet (Ragi), Foxtail millet (Kangni), Pearl millet (Bajra), Proso millet(Chena), Little millet (Moraiyo) and Sorghum millet (Jowar), etc. are a few commonly consumed millets.

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Millets being gluten free in nature, are a perfect alternative for people with gluten intolerances and sensitivity. 

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Millets are high in dietary fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, and possess various health benefits too.

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They might help in managing blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels, weight management and also aids with gut health too.

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Due to these varied health benefits, millets can be included as a part of Indian diet in the form  of Upma, Chapati, Cheela's, Breakfast cereals, khichdi etc.

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Millets, available in varied types and having immense health benefits, can be included in the Indian diet. It is better to rotate millets regularly and take care of certain weather conditions. Bajra is considered ideal for winters, and Jowar can be eaten during summers, whereas Ragi, being versatile, can be eaten in all weathers.


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