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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Best Exercises for Healthy Joints

Our joints, which connect bones and enable movement, can become compromised due to factors like ageing, injury, or chronic conditions like arthritis. However, regular exercise can play a significant role in preserving joint health and preventing issues such as stiffness and pain. 


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Activities like swimming, cycling, and brisk walking provide cardiovascular benefits without putting excessive stress on the joints. These exercises help maintain joint mobility and reduce the risk of joint-related injuries. 

1. Low-Impact Aerobics  

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Tai Chi is a low-impact martial art that promotes balance, flexibility, and joint stability. Its slow, flowing movements are particularly beneficial for joint health, especially in older adults. 

2. Tai Chi  

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Yoga emphasizes gentle stretching, flexibility, and balance. Many yoga poses can improve joint mobility and reduce muscle tension, making it an excellent choice for joint health. 

3. Yoga 

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Pilates focuses on strengthening the core and improving overall flexibility. It can help stabilize and support the joints, particularly in the spine and pelvis. 

4. Pilates  

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Building muscle strength can protect joints by reducing the load they bear. Exercises like squats, lunges, and resistance band workouts can help strengthen the muscles around the joints. 

5. Strength Training  

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Gentle range-of-motion exercises, such as wrist circles, ankle rolls, and shoulder shrugs, can help maintain joint flexibility and prevent stiffness. 

6. Range-of-Motion Exercises  

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Activities that challenge balance, like standing on one leg or using a balance board, can improve joint stability and reduce the risk of falls, particularly in older adults. 

7. Balancing Exercises 

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Foam rolling can release muscle tension and fascial restrictions, which can indirectly benefit joint health by improving flexibility and reducing muscle imbalances. 

8. Foam Rolling  

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Isometric exercises involve contracting muscles without joint movement. These exercises can help improve joint stability and strengthen the surrounding muscles. 

9. Isometric Exercises 

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Regular stretching, both static and dynamic, can help maintain joint flexibility. Focus on stretching all major muscle groups to support joint health. 

10. Stretching  

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Preserving healthy joints is essential for maintaining an active and pain-free lifestyle. Incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine can help protect and strengthen your joints. 


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