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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Best Iron Rich Foods for Haemoglobin

Maintaining healthy haemoglobin levels is essential for oxygen transport in the body and overall well-being. Iron, a vital mineral, plays a central role in haemoglobin production. Consuming a diet rich in iron can help prevent anaemia and promote optimal haemoglobin levels. 


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Opting for lean cuts of red meat, like beef and lamb, provides heme iron, the form most efficiently absorbed by the body. This can assist in elevating haemoglobin levels, supporting overall health. 

1. Lean Red Meat 

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Including poultry such as chicken and turkey in your diet not only offers heme iron but also contributes valuable protein. This combination helps augment your iron intake effectively. 

2. Poultry 

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Fish varieties like salmon, tuna, and sardines deliver heme iron alongside heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, promoting both haemoglobin production and cardiovascular well-being. 

3. Fish 

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Legumes like beans, lentils, and chickpeas contain non-heme iron. When paired with foods rich in vitamin C, they optimize iron absorption and support your haemoglobin levels. 

4. Beans and Legumes

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Beet Greens serve as an iron source and are further enriched with other nutrients that facilitate iron absorption. This makes it a valuable asset to your dietary regimen. 

5. Beet Greens

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Tofu and tempeh, plant-based protein sources, boast high iron content, making them excellent selections for vegetarians and vegans striving to maintain haemoglobin levels. 

6. Tofu and Tempeh

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Quinoa, a nutrient-dense grain, offers a dual benefit of iron and protein. Its versatility in various dishes, coupled with being gluten-free, enhances its value in your diet. 

7. Quinoa 

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Incorporating nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and almonds into your snacks and meals brings a dose of iron, contributing to your nutrient intake. 

8. Nuts and Seeds

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Dark chocolate, containing iron and antioxidants, presents an indulgent yet beneficial option. Opting for higher cocoa content ensures maximum iron absorption. 

9. Dark Chocolate

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Certain foods, like fortified breakfast cereals and plant-based milk alternatives, offer additional iron. These choices are particularly advantageous for individuals with dietary restrictions or specific nutritional requirements. 

10. Fortified Foods 

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Maintaining healthy haemoglobin levels is vital for overall health, energy, and well-being. Including these iron-rich foods in your diet can help prevent anaemia and support haemoglobin production. Combining both heme and non-heme iron sources, along with vitamin C-rich foods to enhance absorption, can optimize iron intake.  


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