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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Best Pre-Workout Foods

The key to a successful exercise routine lies in what you eat before hitting the gym. In this quick guide, discover the top pre-workout foods that can supercharge your performance and set you on the path to fitness success.  


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Proper nutrition before hitting the gym is crucial for energy, focus, and endurance. Let's explore the top pre-workout foods that can take your exercise routine to the next level. 

1.  Importance of Pre-Workout   Nutrition 

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Fuel up with complex carbs like whole grains, sweet potatoes, and oats. These provide a steady release of energy, sustaining you throughout your entire workout. 

2. Complex Carbohydrates

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Proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth. Opt for lean protein sources like grilled chicken or eggs to kick-start your pre-workout nutrition. 

3. Lean Proteins

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Greek yogurt combined with berries is a great choice. It offers a mix of protein and carbs, along with antioxidants from the berries to combat exercise-induced stress. 

4. Greek Yogurt & Berries

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Need a quick energy boost? Grab a banana! Packed with natural sugars and potassium, it's a fast and convenient pre-workout snack. 

5. Bananas for Quick Energy

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Don't forget the importance of hydration. Drink water before your workout to stay properly hydrated, aiding in optimal performance and recovery. 

6. Hydration is key

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Get a caffeine kick from a cup of black coffee. It enhances alertness and endurance, making it an ideal pre-workout beverage. 

7. Caffeine Kick with Coffee 

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Spread some nut butter on whole-grain toast for a balanced pre-workout snack. The combination of healthy fats and carbs provides sustained energy. 

8. Nut Butter on Whole Whole-      Grain Toast 

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Grab a handful of trail mix for a mix of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. It's a convenient and tasty way to fuel up before breaking a sweat." 

9.  Trail Mix for Energy and        Crunch 

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Elevate your fitness game with smart pre-workout nutrition. Choose wisely, stay hydrated, and watch your performance soar. Cheers to a fitter you! 


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