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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Best Supplements for Marathon Runners

Marathon running is a physically demanding sport that places significant stress on the body. While a well-balanced diet should always be the primary source of nutrition, some supplements can complement a runner's nutritional intake and support their training and performance.  


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BCAAs are essential for muscle repair and recovery. They can reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery after intense training runs and the marathon race. 

1. BCAAs        

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Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium are crucial for maintaining proper hydration and preventing muscle cramps during long-distance running. These can help replenish these essential minerals lost through sweat. 

2.  Electrolyte Supplements      

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This is an amino acid that helps buffer lactic acid buildup in muscles, delaying fatigue and improving endurance during prolonged runs. 

3. Protein Powders       

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Consuming carbs during a marathon can help spare muscle tissue from breakdown, as the body relies on glucose instead of breaking down protein for energy. 

4. Vitamin C     

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Long-distance running can lead to iron loss, potentially leading to anaemia. Iron supplements can help maintain iron levels and support oxygen transport to muscles. 

5.  Iron   

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Magnesium is essential for muscle function and recovery. Supplementing with magnesium can reduce muscle cramps and promote relaxation for better sleep. 

6. Magnesium        

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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that supports energy production in cells. It can help improve endurance and reduce oxidative stress during long runs. 

7. Coenzyme Q10      

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Caffeine is a performance-enhancing supplement that can boost alertness and endurance. It should be used strategically and in moderation to avoid negative side effects. 

8. Caffeine      

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Vitamin D plays a role in bone health and immune function. Runners who have limited sun exposure may consider vitamin D supplementation to maintain adequate levels. 

9. Vitamin D       

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Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties and can aid in reducing exercise-induced inflammation, supporting recovery and overall joint health. 

10. Omega-3 Fatty Acids  

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The supplements for marathon runners often target specific needs, such as muscle recovery and immune support. Prior to incorporating any supplement into their routine, runners should consult with a professional to ensure that the supplements align with their needs and do not interfere with any health conditions or medications. 


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