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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Cherry Tomatoes: Understanding Their Nutrition

Welcome to the world of cherry tomatoes! These vibrant, bite-sized gems are not just a feast for the eyes but also pack a punch when it comes to nutrition. Let's explore the incredible health benefits these tiny tomatoes bring to your plate. 


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Cherry tomatoes are a dieter's delight, with only about 15 calories per 100 grams. Snack guilt-free and satisfy your cravings with these flavourful, low-calorie wonders. 

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1. Low in Calories

Bursting with antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene, cherry tomatoes help combat oxidative stress and inflammation. Enjoy them for a tasty boost to your immune system. 

2. Rich in Antioxidants

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Need an extra dose of vitamin C? Look no further! Cherry tomatoes are a fantastic source of this essential vitamin, supporting skin health and strengthening your immune system. 

3. Vitamin C Boost

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Keep your heart happy with cherry tomatoes! Their potassium content helps regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues. 

4. Heart-Healthy Goodness

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Enhance your digestion with the fiber found in cherry tomatoes. This low-calorie snack keeps you feeling full and aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system. 

5. Fiber-Filled Snack

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With a high water content, cherry tomatoes contribute to your daily hydration needs. Stay refreshed while indulging in a tasty and hydrating snack. 

6. Hydration Heroes

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On-the-go? Grab a handful of cherry tomatoes! Their portability makes them a convenient, nutritious snack for busy lifestyles. 

7. Portable and Convenient

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Elevate your culinary creations! Cherry tomatoes are not just for snacking; they add vibrant color and flavor to salads, pastas, and countless dishes. 

8. Versatile Culinary Delight

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Cherry tomatoes are a nutrient-packed snack that brings together flavor, convenience, and health benefits in one tiny package. Make them a regular part of your diet for a tasty and wholesome experience. 

9. Nutrient Packed Snacking

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Cherry tomatoes aren't just a treat for your taste buds; they're a nutritional powerhouse. From antioxidants to vitamins, these tiny tomatoes offer a multitude of health benefits.  


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