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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Creatine Timing: When Is the Best Time to Take It?

Creatine is a popular supplement known for enhancing athletic performance and muscle growth. Understanding the optimal timing for creatine consumption can maximize its benefits. 


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Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in meat and fish. It helps produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy source for muscle contractions during high-intensity exercise. 

1. What is Creatine? 

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Some people choose to start with a loading phase, consuming around 20 grams of creatine per day for 5-7 days to saturate muscle stores quickly. 

2. Loading Phase  

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Following the loading phase, a maintenance dose of 3  grams per day is sufficient to maintain elevated creatine levels in the muscles. 

3. Maintenance Phase 

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Taking creatine before a workout may increase muscle creatine levels, potentially enhancing strength, power, and performance during exercise. 

4. Pre-Workout Timing  

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Consuming creatine after a workout can help replenish depleted muscle stores and facilitate recovery, promoting muscle growth and adaptation 

5. Post-Workout Timing 

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Creatine can be taken with meals to enhance absorption, as insulin released in response to food intake may promote creatine uptake by muscle cells. 

6. Timing with Meals  

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Consistency in creatine supplementation is key to maintaining optimal muscle creatine levels. Taking it at the same time each day can help establish a routine. 

7. Daily Consistency 

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On rest days, continue taking creatine to maintain muscle saturation levels and support overall performance and recovery. 

8. Off-Days 

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The best time to take creatine may vary depending on individual preferences, training goals, and routines. Consistency, whether pre, post-workout, or with meals, is vital for maximizing its benefits. 


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