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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Essential Nutrients for Bulking Up

Bulking up requires more than just heavy lifting. Understanding essential nutrients is key to supporting muscle growth, recovery, and overall health. 


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Protein is the building block of muscles. It's essential for muscle repair and growth. Aim for high-quality protein sources like lean meats, eggs, dairy, and plant-based options like beans and tofu. 

1. Protein 

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Carbs are your body's primary energy source. They fuel intense workouts and aid recovery. Focus on complex carbs like whole grains, oats, brown rice, and sweet potatoes. 

2. Carbohydrates 

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Healthy fats provide sustained energy and support hormone production. Include sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil to balance your diet. 

3. Healthy Fats 

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Vitamins and minerals are crucial for overall health and performance. Key ones for bulking include vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium, which support bone health and muscle function. 

4. Vitamins and Minerals 

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Creatine enhances strength and muscle mass by increasing ATP production in muscles. It's one of the most researched and effective supplements for bulking. 

5. Creatine 

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Omega-3s reduce inflammation and improve recovery. They can be found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, making them essential for any bulking diet. 

6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

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Fiber aids digestion and nutrient absorption. It's crucial for maintaining gut health, especially when increasing calorie intake. Include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 

7. Fiber 

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Bulking up effectively requires a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. Focus on quality sources of protein, carbs, fats, and micronutrients to fuel your muscle growth journey. 


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