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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Health Benefits of Ajwain (Carom Seeds)

Ajwain, also known as carom seeds, isn't just a spice that adds a punch to your culinary creations. This tiny seed is a powerhouse of health benefits, contributing not only to flavor but also to your overall well-being. 


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Ajwain is renowned for its digestive properties. It aids in relieving indigestion, bloating, and acidity. Consuming ajwain water after meals may be a simple yet effective digestive remedy. 

1. Digestive Boost 

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Carom seeds boast antimicrobial properties that may be beneficial for respiratory health. They may help in alleviating symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. 

2. Respiratory Resilience 

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Ajwain is often recommended for those on a weight loss journey. Its metabolism-boosting properties may aid in burning fat and shedding those extra kilos. 

3. Weight Management 

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Rich in vitamins and minerals, ajwain acts as an immune system booster. Regular consumption may enhance your body's ability to fight off infections and illnesses. 

4. Immune Booster

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The presence of essential oils in ajwain may contribute to regulating blood pressure levels. Including it in your diet could be a small step towards cardiovascular health. 

5. Blood Pressure Regulation 

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Ajwain contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a potential remedy for conditions involving inflammation, providing relief from pain and discomfort. 

6. Anti-Inflammatory Agent  

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Applying a paste of ajwain and water on the skin may help in dealing with various skin issues. From acne to itching, ajwain's antibacterial properties can work wonders. 

7. Skin Saviour

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For women, ajwain is a natural way to ease menstrual discomfort. It may help in relieving cramps and discomfort associated with menstruation. 

8. Menstrual Comfort 

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Research suggests that ajwain may assist in managing blood sugar levels, making it a valuable addition to the diets of those dealing with diabetes. 

9. Diabetes Support 

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Incorporating ajwain into your daily routine can be a small but significant step towards a healthier lifestyle. From digestive relief to immune support, these tiny seeds offer a myriad of benefits.  


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