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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


How to Optimize Your Nutrition for Lean Muscle Gain

Optimizing your nutrition is key to lean muscle gain. Learn how to fuel your body effectively with these essential tips for building muscle while staying lean. 


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Protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair. Aim for 1.2-2.2 grams of protein per kg of body weight daily from sources like chicken, fish, eggs, and legumes. 

1. Prioritize Protein Intake 

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Complex carbs provide sustained energy for workouts and recovery. Include whole grains, oats, sweet potatoes, and brown rice to fuel your muscles. 

2. Choose Complex Carbohydrates 

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Healthy fats support hormone production, including testosterone, which is vital for muscle gain. Incorporate avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil into your diet. 

3. Healthy Fats for Hormone Balance 

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Frequent meals keep your metabolism active and provide a steady supply of nutrients. Aim for 4-6 balanced meals per day to support muscle growth. 

4. Eat Frequently 

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Consume a balanced meal with carbs and protein 1-2 hours before your workout. This provides energy and helps prevent muscle breakdown during exercise. 

5. Pre-Workout Nutrition 

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Post-workout, refuel with a protein-rich meal or shake within 30 minutes. Include fast-digesting carbs like fruit to replenish glycogen and kickstart recovery. 

6. Post-Workout Nutrition 

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Hydration is essential for muscle function and recovery. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily, and more if you’re engaging in intense workouts. 

7. Stay Hydrated 

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Optimizing nutrition for lean muscle gain involves a balanced approach with protein, carbs, fats, hydration, and proper rest. Consistency and smart choices are key to achieving your muscle-building goals. 


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