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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Importance of EAA in Sports Nutrition

Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) have emerged as a fundamental component in this pursuit, playing a crucial role in muscle protein synthesis, recovery, and overall athletic performance. 9 EAAs are essential for muscle repair, growth, and maintenance, making them a vital consideration for anyone seeking to maximize their athletic potential.  


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Essential Amino Acids are crucial for stimulating muscle protein synthesis, the process by which new muscle tissue is formed. This is essential for muscle repair and growth, helping athletes recover and adapt to training. 

1. Muscle Protein Synthesis         

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EAAs play a significant role in reducing muscle damage and promoting faster recovery after intense workouts. By providing the necessary building blocks for repair, EAAs aid in minimizing post-exercise soreness and fatigue. 

2.  Muscle Recovery       

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During periods of intense exercise or caloric restriction, the body may break down muscle tissue for energy. Adequate EAA intake helps preserve lean muscle mass, particularly in situations where energy intake may be limited. 

3. Muscle Preservation        

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Proper EAA consumption can improve athletic performance by supporting strength, power, and endurance. Enhanced muscle function and recovery lead to better overall physical output during training and competitions. 

4. Performance Enhancement     

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Intense exercise can temporarily suppress the immune system. EAAs, particularly glutamine, can bolster the immune response and reduce the risk of infections and illnesses in athletes. 

5. Immune System Support 

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EAAs can be converted into energy during prolonged exercise or when carbohydrates are limited. They serve as a secondary fuel source to support endurance activities. 

6. Energy Production         

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EAAs facilitate the transport of various nutrients, including glucose and electrolytes, to muscle cells, aiding in energy production and hydration during exercise. 

7. Nutrient Transport       

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Amino acids play a role in regulating hormones related to muscle growth, such as insulin and growth hormone, further supporting the muscle-building process. 

8. Hormonal Regulation       

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Leucine, one of the essential amino acids, has a unique role in signalling muscle protein synthesis and inhibiting muscle protein breakdown, making it essential for athletes seeking to maintain or increase muscle mass. 

9. Reducing Muscle Breakdown        

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Consuming EAAs along with a well-balanced diet and appropriate training can improve the body's ability to adapt to exercise stress. This adaptability is crucial for long-term progress and achieving fitness goals. 

10. Adaptation to Training 

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The supplements for marathon runners often target specific needs, such as muscle recovery and immune support. Prior to incorporating any supplement into their routine, runners should consult with a professional to ensure that the supplements align with their needs and do not interfere with any health conditions or medications. 


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