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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


⁠Low & High Fructose Foods

Understanding the differences between low and high-fructose options can help make informed dietary choices and promote better health. Let's delve into the world of fructose and discover how it impacts our food choices and overall well-being. 


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Fructose is a type of sugar found in fruits, honey, and some vegetables. It's a natural sweetener often used in processed foods. 

1. What is Fructose? 

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Low fructose foods include most vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some fruits like berries and citrus fruits. These foods are great options for those watching their fructose intake. 

2. Low Fructose Foods 

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High fructose foods include sugary drinks, sweets, certain fruits like grapes and mangoes, and processed foods containing added sugars like corn syrup. These should be consumed in moderation. 

3. High Fructose Foods 

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Some people may have difficulty digesting fructose, leading to symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. Avoiding high fructose foods can help manage these symptoms. 

4. Understanding Fructose Intolerance 

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Alternatives like glucose or maltose can be better tolerated for those with fructose intolerance. Foods like rice, potatoes, and meat are low in fructose and can be included in the diet. 

5. Low Fructose Alternatives 

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Check food labels for added sugars and ingredients like high fructose corn syrup when shopping. Opt for foods with lower sugar content to reduce overall fructose intake. 

6. Reading Food Labels 

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Cooking at home allows better control over ingredients. In recipes, use natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit instead of high fructose sweeteners. 

7. Cooking Tips 

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Balance is key. Enjoying a variety of low-fructose foods while occasionally indulging in high-fructose treats can help maintain a healthy diet. 

8. Balancing Fructose Intake 

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Selenium-rich foods are essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Including a variety of these foods in your diet can provide your body with the necessary selenium levels it needs to function effectively. Remember that a balanced diet, rich in a variety of nutrients, is key to overall health. 


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