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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Most Effective Chest Exercises 

A developed chest not only boosts your strength but also enhances your physique. Let's explore the effective chest exercises which will help you build muscle mass and strength. 


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Push-up is like a body weight staple which focuses on the chest. Vary hand placements hit different angles, making it versatile for power and muscle patience. 

1. Push-ups 

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Barbell bench press is an effective compound movement. It helps in increasing muscle and strength as it aims your chest, shoulders, and triceps which allows you to lift heavy. 

2. Bench Press 

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Dumbbell flyes stretches and contracts the chest muscle mass. This workout increases muscle definition and works wonderful for the inner chest. 

3. Dumbbell Flyes 

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By elevating the bench angle, incline bench press aims the upper chest. It's important for a balanced, sculpted chest that looks fuller from all angles. 

4. Incline Bench Press

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Chest dips aims the lower chest. Leaning ahead throughout the movement activates the chest more, making it a perfect workout for chest development. 

5. Chest Dips 

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Cable crossovers provide regular tension in the course of the movement, hitting the chest muscle from a whole lot of angles. It’s perfect for building a rounded chest. 

6. Cable Crossovers 

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Keep doing these exercises as it will result in greater chest strength and muscle growth. Combine them into your workout sessions, vary reps and weights, and watch your chest rework! 


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