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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Nutritious Plant Protein Sources

As the world embraces diverse dietary choices, the spotlight on plant-based nutrition has grown brighter. Plant protein sources not only cater to vegetarians and vegans but also provide a wealth of nutrients that contribute to overall well-being.  


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Packed with protein and fibre, lentils are versatile legumes that support digestion and heart health. 

1. Lentils 

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This ancient grain boasts a complete amino acid profile and is rich in iron, magnesium, and fibre. 

2. Quinoa 

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A staple in many cuisines, chickpeas offer protein, folate, and dietary fibre for improved gut health. 

3. Chickpeas 

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Derived from soybeans, tofu is an adaptable source of protein, calcium, and essential minerals. 

4. Tofu 

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These young soybeans are not only a protein powerhouse but also provide antioxidants and vitamins. 

5. Edamame 

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Made from wheat gluten, seitan is a high-protein option often used in plant-based meat alternatives. 

5. Seitan 

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Seeds like flaxseeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and various minerals, enhancing heart and brain health. 

7. Seeds 

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Packed with protein and fibre, black beans support digestive health and provide steady energy. 

8. Black Beans 

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Pea protein is considered a high-quality plant protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. 

9. Yellow Peas 

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Almonds, peanuts, and other nuts offer protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients that contribute to overall vitality. 

10. Nuts 

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The array of nutritious plant protein sources offers a remarkable opportunity for individuals to diversify their diets while reaping numerous health benefits. Incorporating these options into meals not only supports protein intake but also contributes to enhanced overall wellness.  


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