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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Perfect Pairings: Food Synergy for Health and Flavour

Discover the power of food synergy as we explore the art of combining certain foods for enhanced nutrition, flavor, and overall well-being. Unleash the potential of these harmonious pairings that can take your meals to new levels of deliciousness and healthfulness. 


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Regular walking can enhance blood circulation, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and improve balance and coordination. 

1. Spinach and Lemon

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The healthy fats in avocado can help the body absorb the fat-soluble antioxidants, such as lycopene, found in tomatoes. 

2. Tomatoes and Avocados

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The fiber in oats combined with the antioxidants in berries creates a satisfying and nutritious combination for breakfast. 

3. Oats and Berries

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Combining legumes like chickpeas with whole grains creates a complete protein source and provides a balance of essential amino acids. 

4. Chickpeas and Whole Grains

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The protein and healthy fats in nuts can complement the probiotics and calcium in yogurt, creating a nutritious and satiating snack. 

5. Yogurt and Nuts

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The vitamin C in broccoli aids in the absorption of iron from salmon, while the healthy fats in salmon enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins from broccoli. 

6. Salmon and Broccoli

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Pairing these two plant-based foods creates a complementary protein source, offering a range of essential amino acids. 

7. Brown Rice and Lentils

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Adding lemon to green tea can enhance the absorption of antioxidants called catechins, found in green tea. 

8. Green Tea and Lemon

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By incorporating thoughtful food combinations into your diet, you can optimize nutrient absorption, improve taste experiences, and support your overall health. So, embrace the concept of food synergy. 


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