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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Powerful Compound Exercises

Compound exercises are highly effective for building strength, enhancing muscle mass, and improving overall body functionality. They involve multiple muscle groups and joints, allowing you to engage a larger portion of your body in a single movement. Let's discuss some of the best compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups. 


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Squats primarily target the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. They also engage the core muscles for stability. 

1. Squats

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Deadlifts work the posterior chain, which includes the muscles of the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. They also engage the quadriceps and core muscles. 

2. Deadlifts

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The bench press targets the chest muscles (pectoralis major and minor), shoulders (deltoids), and triceps. It also engages the core for stability. 

3. Bench Press

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Also known as the military press or shoulder press, this exercise primarily targets the shoulder muscles (deltoids) while also engaging the triceps and upper back muscles. 

4. Overhead Press

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Pull-ups and chin-ups work the upper body, specifically the back muscles (latissimus dorsi), biceps, and forearms. They also engage the shoulders and core for stability. 

5. Pull-Ups/ Chin-Ups

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Lunges primarily target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. They also engage the calves and core muscles for stability. 

6. Lunges

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Bent-over rows work the back muscles (rhomboids, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi) as well as the biceps. They also engage the rear delts and core for stability. 

7. Bent Over Rows

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Push-ups engage the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. They also activate the muscles of the upper back to a lesser extent. 

8. Push-Ups

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Barbell thrusters combine a squat with an overhead press, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the legs, glutes, shoulders, and arms. 

9. Barbell Thrusters

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Cleans are a full-body movement that targets the legs, hips, glutes, back, shoulders, and arms. They require explosive power and coordination. 

10. Cleans

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Remember to use proper form and technique when performing compound exercises to maximize their benefits and reduce the risk of injury. For beginners, it may be helpful to work with a qualified trainer or seek guidance to ensure proper execution. 


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