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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Protein for Marathon Runners

While carbohydrates are commonly emphasized, protein plays an equally vital role for marathon runners. Protein serves as the building blocks for muscle repair and recovery, making it essential for repairing the micro-damage caused to muscles during intense running sessions.  


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Protein is essential for repairing and rebuilding muscles after the intense strain of marathon training and racing. It helps to speed up the recovery process and reduces muscle soreness. 

1. Muscle Repair and Recovery        

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During long-distance running, the body can break down muscle tissue for energy. Adequate protein intake helps preserve muscle mass and prevent excessive muscle breakdown. 

2.  Muscle Maintenance      

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Protein supports the repair and maintenance of connective tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, reducing the risk of overuse injuries common in marathon runners. 

3. Repair of Connective Tissues      

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Proteins contain essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. These amino acids are crucial for various physiological functions, including muscle repair and hormone synthesis. 

4. Essential Amino Acids     

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uring marathon running, the body may break down muscle tissue for energy. Adequate protein intake helps minimize muscle catabolism and ensures that the body primarily uses stored carbohydrates for fuel. 

5. Prevents Muscle Catabolism    

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Regular protein intake supports muscle adaptation and strength gains, helping marathon runners become more resilient to the physical demands of training and racing. 

6. Muscle Adaptation and Strength  

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Protein consumption contributes to maintaining strong bones, which is essential for preventing stress fractures and other bone-related injuries common in long-distance runners. 

7. Bone Health  

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Protein consumption, after a marathon, can enhance glycogen replenishment in the muscles. This promotes faster recovery and prepares the body for subsequent training sessions. 

8. Aids in Glycogen Replenishment       

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Induced Inflammation: The protein's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce exercise-induced inflammation, minimizing muscle damage and promoting a quicker return to peak performance. 

9. Reduces Exercise       

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Protein is an indispensable component of a marathon runner's nutrition plan. As runners push their bodies to the limits during rigorous training. Adequate protein intake not only aids in repairing damaged muscle tissues but also supports the development of lean muscle mass, essential for improving running efficiency and reducing the risk of injury.  


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