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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Reasons to Include Seasonal Foods in Diet

Nature's bounty offers a rich tapestry of fruits, vegetables, and other edibles that vary with the changing seasons. Embracing seasonal foods not only tantalizes the taste buds with fresh and vibrant flavours but also aligns with a holistic approach to nutrition. 


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Seasonal foods are often harvested at their peak, offering maximum nutrient density. Freshly picked fruits and vegetables contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants compared to their counterparts that have been stored for an extended period. 

1.  Nutrient Density 

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Seasonal foods boast optimal ripeness, resulting in superior flavour and aroma. Enjoying fruits and vegetables when they are in season provides a gustatory experience that is unmatched in its freshness and taste. 

2.  Enhanced Flavour

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Choosing seasonal foods supports local farmers and agricultural communities. It fosters a connection between consumers and producers, promoting a more sustainable and resilient food system. 

3.  Supports Local Agriculture

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Seasonal foods are more likely to be grown locally, reducing the need for long-distance transportation and associated carbon footprints. This contributes to lower energy consumption and a smaller environmental impact. 

4. Environmental Sustainability

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Embracing seasonal foods encourages a diverse and varied diet. Different seasons bring forth a spectrum of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, ensuring a wide range of nutrients and phytochemicals are included in your meals. 

5. Variety in Diet

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Seasonal foods are often more abundant, leading to lower prices. Choosing produce that is in season can be a cost-effective way to enjoy fresh, nutritious foods without breaking the bank. 

6. Cost-Effective

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The human body may have natural cravings for certain types of foods depending on the season. Consuming foods in harmony with nature's cycles may support better digestion and nutrient absorption. 

7.  Promotes Digestive Health  

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By embracing seasonal foods, individuals contribute to the preservation of agricultural biodiversity. This, in turn, helps maintain a variety of crops that are adapted to different environmental conditions. 

8. Prevention of Agricultural       Biodiversity

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Seasonal eating often aligns with cultural traditions and culinary practices. It allows individuals to connect with their cultural heritage, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity. 

9. Cultural Connection

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Nature provides a balance in the types of foods available throughout the year. Seasonal eating naturally promotes a rotation of different food groups, contributing to a well-rounded and balanced nutritional intake over time. 

10. Balanced Nutrition         Throughout the Year

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From the nutritional advantages of peak harvests to the support of local communities and the environment, the reasons to include seasonal foods in our diets are both numerous and compelling. 


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