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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Role of Carbs in Marathon Performance

During a marathon, runners expend considerable energy, and the body's carbohydrate stores become critical in maintaining stamina and preventing fatigue. As one of the primary sources of energy for the human body, carbs provide the necessary fuel to sustain endurance activities like running long distances. 


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Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body during a marathon. They are broken down into glucose, which fuels the muscles and helps runners maintain their pace over long distances. 

1. Energy Source      

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Carbohydrates are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. During a marathon, these glycogen stores are gradually depleted, and adequate carb intake can delay fatigue and prevent hitting the "wall." 

2.  Glycogen Storage    

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Carbs help sustain endurance and stamina by providing a steady and efficient energy supply. Runners with sufficient carbohydrate intake can maintain their performance levels for longer periods. 

3. Endurance and Stamina   

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Consuming carbs during a marathon can help spare muscle tissue from breakdown, as the body relies on glucose instead of breaking down protein for energy. 

4. Muscle Preservation   

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Carbs also play a role in maintaining cognitive function during a marathon. Glucose is essential for the brain, and adequate carb intake can help runners stay mentally focused and make better decisions during the race. 

5. Cognitive Function  

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Simple carbohydrates, like sports drinks and gels, provide a quick and easily digestible source of energy, which can be beneficial during intense moments of the race. 

6. Rapid Energy      

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Consuming carbs after a marathon helps replenish glycogen stores, aiding in faster recovery and reducing muscle soreness. 

7. Post-Race Recovery     

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Some carbohydrate-containing sports drinks also provide essential electrolytes that aid in hydration and maintaining proper muscle function during the race. 

8. Electrolyte Balance     

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Carbohydrates play a role in fluid absorption. Carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions can improve water uptake and help prevent dehydration during a marathon. 

9. Hydration      

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A well-planned carbohydrate intake strategy enhances the overall performance of marathon runners, allowing them to reach their full potential and achieve their race goals. 

10. Overall Performance    

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Carbohydrates are fundamental to the success of marathon runners. The body's ability to utilize carbs as an energy source during prolonged physical activity is vital in maintaining optimal performance. Proper carbohydrate intake before, during, and after a marathon can influence an athlete's overall race performance.   


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