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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Supplements Which Can be Consumed During Navratras

Navratri is a Hindu festival marked by fasting and special dietary restrictions. While the primary focus is on consuming natural, whole foods, there may be instances where specific dietary supplements are considered to maintain overall health and nutrition during Navratras. Let us explore some dietary supplements that can be consumed during Navratri fasting, taking into account the dietary restrictions and specific needs of individuals. 


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Whey protein is derived from milk, and milk is a permissible food item during fasting according to many traditions. It provides a convenient source of high-quality protein and essential amino acids without violating fasting dietary restrictions. 

1. Whey Protein 

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Plant protein supplements, such as those derived from sources like peas, rice, or hemp, are widely accepted during Navratras as they align with the vegetarian dietary preferences of many people during Navratras. They are versatile and can be incorporated into various recipes.  

2. Plant Protein 

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Casein Is a protein that is milk-derived. Milk is permitted during fasting. If you are someone who is looking to maintain protein intake over an extended period then casein is the right choice for you as it slowly releases the amino acids.  

3. Casein Protein 

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Most pre-workout supplements do not typically contain non-vegetarian or prohibited ingredients, making them suitable for consumption. Maintaining physical health and exercise routines is important and pre-workout supplements can support while aligning with fasting traditions.  

4. Pre-workouts 

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Multivitamins are often accepted during Navratras because they are perceived as a way to maintain overall health and bridge potential nutrient gaps. They don't typically contain forbidden ingredients. 

5. Multivitamins 

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Peanut butter is generally considered suitable for Navratri consumption because peanuts are a permitted food source. Peanut butter is a calorie-dense and protein-rich option that can help meet energy and protein requirements. 

6. Peanut Butter 

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These supplements are often considered acceptable as they promote digestive health. Maintaining digestive health is important during fasting when dietary patterns may change. 

7. Digestive Fibres 

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BCAAs are made up of three essential amino acids found in various protein sources, and they can help maintain muscle health and improve energy levels. They do not typically contain non-vegetarian or prohibited ingredients, making them in line with fasting guidelines. 

8. BCAAs 

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Herbal extracts, like ashwagandha or tulsi, are generally acceptable during Navratras as they are derived from plants. They are believed to have health benefits, including stress reduction and immune system support. 

9. Natural or Herb Extracts 

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MCT oil is typically accepted during Navratras because it is a source of quick energy and is derived from coconuts, which are commonly consumed during fasting. 

10. MCT Oil 

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Navratri fasting is when people prioritize their spiritual and physical well-being through dietary restrictions. While the emphasis is on consuming whole foods, dietary supplements can be a helpful addition to ensure proper nutrition.  


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