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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


The Best Time to Take Shilajit

Discovering the optimal timing for consuming Shilajit is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Explore the best times to take this powerful natural supplement. 


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Shilajit is a sticky substance found in the Himalayan mountains, rich in minerals and fulvic acid. It's revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its rejuvenating properties. 

1. What is Shilajit?  

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Taking Shilajit in the morning helps kickstart your day with an energy boost, enhances mental clarity, and supports overall vitality. 

2. Morning 

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Consuming Shilajit on an empty stomach allows for better absorption of its nutrients and bioactive compounds, maximizing its therapeutic effects. 

3. Empty Stomach 

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Taking Shilajit before exercise can increase stamina, endurance, and muscle strength, making it an ideal pre-workout supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. 

4. Pre-Workout 

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After a workout, Shilajit aids in muscle recovery, reduces inflammation, and replenishes essential minerals lost during physical activity, promoting faster recovery. 

5. Post-Workout 

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Consuming Shilajit with meals ensures a steady release of nutrients throughout the day, supporting overall health, digestion, and nutrient absorption. 

6. With Meals 

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Taking Shilajit before bed promotes restful sleep, balances stress hormones, and enhances relaxation, allowing for better quality sleep and overall rejuvenation. 

7. Before Bed 

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Shilajit can be combined with other supplements like ashwagandha or ginseng to enhance its benefits and create synergistic effects for overall well-being. 

8. Combination with Other Supplements 

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The best time to take Shilajit depends on individual preferences and health goals. Whether it's in the morning, before or after workouts, with meals, or before bed, incorporating Shilajit into your routine can support vitality and overall wellness. 


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