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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Tips to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

Are you stuck in a weight loss plateau, despite your best efforts? Don't be discouraged! It's a common challenge, but there are strategies to break through and achieve your goals. Let's explore effective tips to jumpstart your weight loss journey. 


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Reevaluate your caloric intake. As you lose weight, your body's energy needs change. Ensure you're not consuming too many or too few calories. Adjust your diet accordingly to create a sustainable calorie deficit. 

1. Reassess Your Caloric Intake  

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Shake things up! Your body adapts to routine, leading to a plateau. Incorporate new exercises or increase intensity. Keep your muscles guessing to stimulate further fat loss. 

2. Mix Up Your Workouts  

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Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. Integrate strength training into your routine to build lean muscle mass. This not only aids weight loss but also boosts your metabolism. 

3. Prioritize Strength Training 

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Water plays a vital role in metabolism. Ensure you stay adequately hydrated. Sometimes, the body retains water when it's not hydrated enough, giving a false impression of a weight loss plateau. 

4. Stay Hydrated 

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Sleep impacts hormones regulating hunger and metabolism. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep to support weight loss efforts. Lack of sleep can hinder your progress. 

5. Get Enough Sleep 

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High stress levels can lead to weight gain and a stalled metabolism. Practice stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga to keep cortisol levels in check. 

6. Manage Stress 

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Regularly assess your progress. If you're not seeing changes, adjust your approach. Track your meals, workouts, and any changes in your body. Adapt your plan accordingly. 

7. Track Your Progress 

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Your body may have reached a healthy weight. Reevaluate your goals and make sure they are realistic. Focus on overall well-being rather than just the number on the scale. 

8. Reassess Your Goals 

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If you're still struggling, consult with a nutritionist or fitness professional. They can provide personalized guidance based on your unique needs and challenges. 

9. Consider Professional Guidance 

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Weight loss plateaus are normal, but with strategic adjustments, you can overcome them. Implement these tips, stay consistent, and celebrate the small victories along the way. You've got this! 


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