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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Top 10 Mood Boosting Herbs

In a world buzzing with stress, discover the natural remedy to elevate your mood. Explore the top 10 mood-boosting herbs that can transform your well-being. Let nature be your ally in the pursuit of happiness. 


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Lavender, with its enchanting fragrance, is more than just a pleasant scent. It possesses natural calming properties that help alleviate stress and anxiety. A few drops of lavender essential oil or a cup of lavender tea can work wonders. 

1.  Lavender

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Known as an adaptogenic herb, Ashwagandha aids in managing stress by regulating the body's response to it. Incorporate this powerful herb into your routine for enhanced resilience against life's challenges. 

2.  Ashwagandha 

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It is renowned for its mood-lifting abilities. Studies suggest it may be effective in treating mild to moderate depression. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised before use. 

3. St. John's Wort 

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Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen celebrated for boosting energy levels and improving mood. Whether you're facing fatigue or low spirits, this herb can be your natural pick-me-up. 

4.  Rhodiola Rosea 

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It is commonly enjoyed as a tea, promotes relaxation and helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Sip on this soothing herb to unwind after a hectic day. 

5. Chamomile  

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Known as the "Queen of Herbs," Holy Basil offers stress-relieving properties. Incorporate it into your daily routine to foster a sense of calm and balance in your life. 

6.  Holy Basil (Tulsi)  

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Lemon Balm is a natural mood enhancer. It's known to reduce stress and promote a positive outlook. Add it to your herbal arsenal for a cheerful boost. 

7.  Lemon Balm 

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It is a natural sedative that aids in calming the mind and improving sleep quality. Harness its relaxation-inducing properties to unwind and foster a serene mindset. 

8. Passionflower

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Turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Incorporating turmeric into your diet may contribute to improved mood and cognitive function. 

9. Turmeric

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Rosemary is not just for culinary delights; its aromatic compounds may have mood-enhancing effects. Inhale the invigorating scent or include it in your meals for a sensory uplift. 

10. Rosemary

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Remember that nature provides powerful remedies for our well-being. Explore, experiment, and find the herbal allies that resonate with you. Elevate your mood naturally, and let a happier, healthier you blossom! 


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