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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Top 10 Vegan Vitamin B12 Sources

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is a vital nutrient for our overall health and well-being. It plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy nerve cells, aiding in the production of DNA and RNA, and supporting the formation of red blood cells. While many individuals obtain their B12 from animal-based sources, vegans must look elsewhere for their daily dose of this essential vitamin. 


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Many plant-based milk alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk are fortified with B12. These products offer a tasty and convenient way to boost your B12 intake. 

1. Plant Milk 

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Nutritional yeast is a staple in vegan kitchens. It's a source of B12 and adds a savoury, cheesy flavour to various dishes. Sprinkle it on popcorn, pasta, or salads for a nutrient boost. 

2. Nutritional Yeast 

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Certain breakfast cereals are enriched with vitamin B12. Check the labels for B12 content, and enjoy a wholesome morning meal while meeting your dietary requirements. 

3. Fortified Breakfast Cereals 

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Some brands of tofu are fortified with B12, making it a valuable protein source for vegans. Incorporate tofu into stir-fries, scrambles, and salads for a nutritious meal. 

4. Fortified Tofu 

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Various protein shakes and nutritional beverages designed for vegans contain added B12. These can be an excellent choice for those looking to increase their B12 intake. 

5. Fortified Nutritional Drinks 

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Certain wild mushrooms, such as shiitake and maitake, contain B12 and can contribute to your daily needs. 

6. Mushrooms 

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Some seaweed and algae products, like spirulina and chlorella, may contain B12. However, their B12 content can be inconsistent. 

7. Algae-Based Supplements 

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Some nutritional yeast products are specifically fortified with higher levels of B12. Look for these options to ensure you get a sufficient amount of the vitamin. 

8. Fortified Nutritional Yeast 

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Plant-based meat substitutes, like veggie burgers and sausages, are sometimes enriched with B12. Check the packaging for B12 fortification details. 

9. Fortified Vegan Meat Alternatives 

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When all else fails, or if you're concerned about meeting your B12 requirements, vegan-specific B12 supplements are readily available. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage for your needs. 

10. B12 Supplements 

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Maintaining an adequate intake of vitamin B12 is crucial for vegans to support their overall health. While it can be challenging to obtain sufficient B12 solely from plant-based sources, a combination of fortified foods, nutritional yeast, and supplements can help meet the daily requirements.  


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