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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Top Eating Disorder Symptoms

Welcome to a journey of understanding and awareness. Eating disorders are complex conditions that affect millions worldwide. Let's explore the top symptoms that can serve as crucial indicators. 


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Sudden and extreme fluctuations in weight, whether rapid loss or gain, can signal an underlying issue. Pay attention to drastic changes in appearance. 

1.  Extreme Changes in Weight 

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A preoccupation with food, calories, and restrictive dieting may indicate an unhealthy relationship with eating. Constant thoughts about weight can be a red flag. 

2. Obsession with Food and       Dieting  

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Be vigilant about irregular eating habits. Skipping meals, excessive fasting, or secretive eating could be indicative of an eating disorder. 

3. Altered Eating Patterns 

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While regular exercise is beneficial, an obsession with intense and prolonged workouts, especially to compensate for food intake, may point towards a problem. 

4. Excessive Exercise

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Noticeable withdrawal from social activities, especially those involving food, might suggest a deeper struggle with body image and self-esteem. 

5. Social Withdrawal

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Keep an eye on physical signs such as a swollen face, calloused knuckles, or discoloration of teeth, which could be consequences of purging behaviours. 

6. Changes in Appearance

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Frequent mood swings, irritability, and heightened sensitivity can be linked to the mental and emotional toll of an eating disorder. 

7. Emotional Fluctuations

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Expressed fear or anxiety about gaining weight, even if the person is underweight, is a significant symptom. It reflects distorted body image perceptions. 

8. Fear of Weight Gain

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Individuals with eating disorders often deny the severity of their condition. Recognizing this resistance can be a crucial step toward intervention. 

9.  Denial Problem

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Eating disorders require compassion and understanding. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, seek professional help. Early intervention is key to recovery. 


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