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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Top Essential Nutrients for Older Adults

As we age, our nutritional needs evolve, and ensuring that older adults receive essential nutrients becomes crucial for their health and well-being. Proper nutrition can help maintain physical health, cognitive function, and quality of life in later years. 


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Adequate calcium intake is essential for older adults to maintain bone density and prevent conditions like osteoporosis and fractures. 

1. Calcium 

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Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption and overall bone health. It also plays a role in immune function and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. 

2. Vitamin D 

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Many older adults may have difficulty absorbing B12 from food, making supplementation or fortified foods important for maintaining nerve health and preventing anaemia. 

3. Vitamin B12 

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A high-fiber diet supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

4. Fiber 

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Omega-3s are essential for heart and brain health and may reduce the risk of cognitive decline and cardiovascular issues. 

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

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Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and supports muscle and nerve function, particularly important for older adults to prevent muscle weakness and hypertension. 

6. Potassium 

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Vitamin C is crucial for the immune system and helps in the absorption of iron, an important nutrient for seniors. 

7. Vitamin C 

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Vitamin K is vital for maintaining healthy bones and blood clotting. Adequate vitamin K intake can help prevent fractures and support overall bone health in older adults. 

8. Vitamin K 

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Maintaining muscle mass and strength is vital for older adults, and protein intake is essential in achieving this goal. 

9. Protein 

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Magnesium supports bone health, and muscle function, and may contribute to better sleep quality. 

10. Magnesium 

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Optimal nutrition is a cornerstone of healthy ageing, and older adults should pay particular attention to their dietary choices to ensure they receive essential nutrients. By incorporating a well-balanced diet rich in these vital nutrients and considering individual dietary needs, older adults can enhance their overall health and vitality, ultimately improving their quality of life. 


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