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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Top Hydration Strategies for Marathon Runners

As athletes push their bodies to the limits during the marathon journey, staying properly hydrated becomes paramount to maintaining endurance, preventing heat-related issues, and optimizing overall race success. A well-designed hydration strategy can ensure that runners are equipped to tackle the challenges of the course and achieve their goals.   


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Start hydrating well before the race day. Ensure you are well-hydrated in the days leading up to the marathon, as this helps build a reservoir of fluids in your body. 

1. Pre-Hydration          

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Practice drinking fluids during your training runs to get accustomed to drinking while running and to determine the amount that works best for you. 

2.  Drink During Training Runs   

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Along with water, consume sports drinks or BCAA Supplements that contain electrolytes to replace the sodium, potassium, and other minerals lost through sweat. 

3. Drinks with Electrolytes           

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While it's important to stay hydrated, overhydration can lead to hyponatremia, a condition where the sodium levels in the blood become dangerously low. Drink according to your body's needs. 

4. Avoid Overhydration         

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Some sports drinks or gels contain carbohydrates, which can help maintain energy levels during the race. 

5. Consume Fluids with Carbohydrates     

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Listen to your body's thirst cues and drink when you feel the need. Thirst is a reliable indicator of your hydration status. 

6. Monitor Thirst Cues          

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Set a hydration schedule for the marathon, aiming to drink fluids at regular intervals. This ensures you stay on top of your hydration needs throughout the race. 

7.  Stick to a Schedule         

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Experiment with different hydration mixtures, such as water with electrolyte tablets, coconut water, BCAA, or diluted fruit juice, to find what works best for you. 


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