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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Top Reasons To Do Burpees Daily

Burpees are a type of exercise that get your whole body working and aim to build strength and endurance in your lower and upper body. Doing burpees daily can offer several benefits for your fitness and overall health. Here are some reasons why you might consider incorporating burpees into your daily routine.


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Burpees engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously like chest, arms, shoulders, core, glutes, and legs, making them a highly efficient exercise. By doing burpees daily, you can strengthen and tone your body. 

1. Full Body Workout

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Since burpees are a an effective calorie-burning exercise, which can elevate your heart rate and activate multiple muscles, leading to increased energy expenditure.  

2. Calorie Burn and Weight Loss

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Burpees can be physically demanding, requiring mental focus and determination to complete each repetition. You can develop mental resilience, discipline, and a sense of accomplishment.  

3. Mental Resilience

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Burpees are a high-intensity exercise that gets your heart rate up quickly. Thus, can improve cardiovascular endurance and stamina. They help increase your lung capacity, enhance oxygen utilization, and promote overall cardiovascular health. 

4. Cardiovascular Fitness

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Burpees involve squatting, jumping, push-ups, and core stabilization, which are fundamental movements for functional strength and agility. It can improve your overall athleticism, coordination, and functional fitness. 

5. Functional Strength and Agility

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Burpees require minimal space and equipment. They can also be modified to suit different fitness levels, allowing beginners to start with easier variations and gradually increase intensity as their fitness improves. 

6. Time Efficient and Adaptable

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By incorporating burpees into your routine, you can reap the rewards of improved fitness and work towards achieving your health goals. Taking protein powder after burpees helps support muscle recovery, growth and replenish glycogen stores


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