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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Top Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, bone health, and energy production. Despite its importance, magnesium deficiency is a common health concern, often overlooked due to its subtle and nonspecific symptoms. 


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One of the most common early signs is muscle cramps or spasms, often occurring in the legs. 

1. Muscle Cramps  

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Magnesium is involved in energy production, so a deficiency can lead to unexplained fatigue and weakness. 

2. Fatigue  

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Individuals with low magnesium levels may experience tingling or numbness, known as paresthesia, in various body parts. 

3. Tingling or Numbness  

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Magnesium helps regulate heart rhythm, so palpitations or irregular heartbeat may occur when levels are low. 

4. Irregular Heartbeat  

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A lack of appetite or nausea can be indicative of magnesium deficiency. 

5. Loss of Appetite  

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Weakness in the muscles, making simple tasks more challenging, may develop. 

5. Muscle Weakness  

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Irritability, mood swings, and even depression can be linked to magnesium deficiency. 

7. Personality Changes  

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Low magnesium levels may contribute to hypertension, as magnesium helps relax blood vessels. 

8.High Blood Pressure 

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Magnesium is essential for bone health, and a deficiency can contribute to weakened bones and a higher risk of osteoporosis. 


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In severe cases, magnesium deficiency can lead to seizures, although this is relatively rare. 

10. Seizures  

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Magnesium is a critical mineral for overall health, and its deficiency can lead to a range of symptoms affecting various bodily functions. Recognizing the signs of magnesium deficiency is crucial for timely intervention and addressing the underlying issue.  


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