Ways In Which Leucine Supplement Can Benefit You!


Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition and Dietitics

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It is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and one of the nine essential amino acids (EAAs). Some leucine-rich foods include jowar, cottage cheese, seeds, eggs, lentils, and peanuts.  

What is Leucine? 

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Leucine is also known as anabolic amino acid because of its potential to accelerate muscle growth. 

1. Build Muscle

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Leucine may prevent muscle loss and diminish exercise-induced strength loss. 

2. Reduce Muscle Breakdown 

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Studies suggest that leucine supplementation during endurance activities may boost endurance and provide stamina. 

3. Provide Strength

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Research suggests that leucine is critical for the immune response as it plays a major role in T-cell activation.  

4. Strengthen Immunity 

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Leucine supplementation may support glucose metabolism by facilitating the release of insulin hormone from pancreatic β-cells. 

5. Improve Blood Glucose Levels

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Leucine has been suggested to have a satiating effect, meaning it may help control appetite and reduce food intake. This could potentially aid in weight management efforts by promoting feelings of fullness and reducing cravings. 

6. Appetite Control

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Studies suggest that 10 grams of leucine per day may boost athletic performance and support overall health. 

What is the recommended leucine dose? 

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