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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Ways To Use Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds offer a punch of flavour and nutrition, transforming ordinary dishes into extraordinary delights. Join us on a journey to unlock the potential of sesame seeds in just 10 simple ways! 


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Enhance your salads with a nutritious crunch by sprinkling toasted sesame seeds. Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, they add both flavour and health benefits. 

1.  Sprinkle on Salad

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Blend sesame seeds into a creamy tahini sauce. Perfect for dips, dressings, or spreading on toast - a versatile addition to your kitchen. 

2. Tahini Marvel

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Roast sesame seeds with a dash of salt for a tasty snack. Enjoy them on their own, or add them to trail mixes for a wholesome energy boost. 

3. Roasted Snack

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Elevate your stir-fries by tossing in sesame seeds. Their nutty taste complements a variety of vegetables and proteins. 

4. Stir Fries

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Upgrade your baking game by incorporating sesame seeds into bread, cookies, or muffins. They add a delightful texture and a hint of nuttiness. 

5. Baked Goodies

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Sprinkle sesame seeds over your favourite dishes as a finishing touch. They not only add visual appeal but also contribute a unique flavour profile. 

6. Garnish with Style

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Give your homemade vegetable or chicken rolls a professional touch by rolling them in sesame seeds. It not only looks good but adds a delightful flavour. 

7.  Homemade Rolls

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Coat your chicken, fish, or tofu with sesame seeds before cooking. It creates a golden, crunchy exterior that's a delight for your taste buds. 

8. Sesame-Crusted Proteins 

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Boost the nutritional content of your smoothies by blending in a spoonful of sesame seeds. A subtle nutty taste with added vitamins and minerals. 

9. Nutrient-Packed       Smooothies

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From salads to stir-fries, sesame seeds are a culinary powerhouse. Elevate your dishes with these tiny wonders and savour the magic they bring to your table. 


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