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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Why Moderate Jaggery Intake is Good for Health?

Welcome to the Sweet Science of Jaggery! Discover how incorporating this natural sweetener in moderation can bring a host of health benefits. 


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Derived from concentrated sugarcane juice or palm sap, jaggery is a traditional sweetener packed with essential nutrients. 

1.  What is Jaggery?

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Jaggery is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, B, and C, making it a wholesome alternative to refined sugar. 

2.  Rich in Nutrients 

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Known for its digestive properties, jaggery helps stimulate digestive enzymes, aiding in better digestion and preventing constipation. 

3. Digestive Aid 

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Jaggery is a quick source of energy due to its high sucrose content. It provides an instant energy boost without causing a spike in blood sugar levels. 

4. An Energy Booster 

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The presence of antioxidants in jaggery contributes to a strengthened immune system, helping the body fight off infections and illnesses. 

5. Immunity Boost  

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Regular consumption of jaggery may help purify the blood by eliminating toxins, promoting better circulation, and preventing skin-related issues. 

6.  Blood Purifier 

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With potassium aiding in regulating blood pressure, jaggery may contribute to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system when consumed in moderation. 

7.  Regulates Blood Pressure 

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Jaggery is recommended for women during menstruation as it helps alleviate symptoms like cramps and fatigue, thanks to its iron and vitamin C content. 

8. Menstrual Health 

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While jaggery offers numerous health benefits, moderation is crucial. Excessive intake may lead to an increase in calorie intake and affect blood sugar levels. 

9.  Moderation is Key 

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Embrace the sweetness of jaggery in moderation for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Enjoy the natural goodness while reaping the nutritional benefits it has to offer! 


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