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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Habits That Can Slow Down Weight Loss

Are your weight loss efforts hitting a plateau? Despite your dedication, certain habits might be slowing down your progress. Let's uncover the culprits and get back on the path to success! 


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Quality sleep is crucial for weight loss. Poor sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, leading to overeating and cravings. 

1. Lack of Sleep  

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Skipping the most important meal of the day may lead to overeating later. Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and helps control hunger throughout the day. 

2. Skipping Breakfast 

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Staying hydrated is essential for weight loss. Water helps control hunger, supports metabolism, and aids digestion. Drink up for better results! 

3. Inadequate Water Intake 

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Sitting too much can slow down your metabolism. Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine to boost calorie burn and enhance weight loss. 

4. Sedentary Lifestyle  

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Extreme diets are often unsustainable. Focus on a balanced, sustainable eating plan for long-term success rather than quick fixes. 

5. Relying on Fad Diets 

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Using food as a coping mechanism can sabotage weight loss. Find alternative ways to manage stress and emotions to avoid unnecessary calorie intake. 

6. Emotional Eating 

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Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if portion sizes are ignored. Be mindful of serving sizes to avoid excess calorie consumption. 

7. Ignoring Portion Control 

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Protein is crucial for muscle preservation and satiety. Ensure your meals include an adequate amount of protein to support your weight loss goals. 

8. Not Enough Protein 

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Sauces, dressings, and beverages can add up quickly in calories. Pay attention to hidden sources of calories that may be hindering your progress. 

9. Overlooking Hidden Calories 

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Consistency is key to weight loss. Skipping workouts or deviating from your nutrition plan regularly can impede your results. Stay committed to lasting success. 

10. Inconsistency   

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Identifying and eliminating these habits can reignite your weight loss journey. Make small, sustainable changes, stay consistent, and celebrate every success along the way.  


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