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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Protein Flour and its Uses

Protein flour is a type of flour that has a higher protein content compared to traditional all-purpose or wheat flour. It is typically made from legumes, such as chickpeas, lentils, or soybeans, but can also be derived from other sources like nuts or seeds. Protein flour offers a range of uses and benefits. 


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Protein flour can be used as a partial or complete substitute for regular flour in baking recipes. It adds a higher protein content to baked goods, which can be beneficial for those seeking to increase their protein intake. Protein flour can be used in bread, muffins, cookies, pancakes, and other baked goods. 

1. Baking

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Protein flour made from legumes or nuts can be an excellent alternative for individuals who follow a gluten-free diet. These flours provide structure, texture, and a protein boost to gluten-free baked goods, which can often lack the elasticity and structure provided by gluten. 

2. Gluten-Free

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Protein flour can be used as a protein supplement to increase the protein content in various foods. It can be added to smoothies, shakes, yogurt, or oatmeal to enhance the protein content and create a more satisfying and nutritious meal or snack. 

3. Protein Supplementation

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Protein flour can act as a thickening agent in sauces, gravies, or soups. It helps to thicken the consistency of these dishes and adds a protein boost as well. 

4. Thickening Agent

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Protein flour can be used as a base ingredient for homemade protein bars or energy balls. When combined with other ingredients like nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sweeteners, it creates a nutritious and protein-rich snack. 

5. Protein Bars and Snacks

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Some protein flours, such as soy flour or chickpea flour, can be used as a meat substitute in vegetarian or vegan recipes. These flours can be formed into patties, nuggets, or meatballs to provide a protein-rich alternative to traditional meat-based dishes. 

6. Meat Substitute

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Protein flour may have some different properties compared to regular flour. Adjustments in the recipe may be necessary to achieve the desired texture and consistency. They may have a distinct flavour as well. Experimenting with different combinations and ratios of protein flour to other flours can help achieve the desired taste and texture. 


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