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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Best Exercise to Ease Shoulder Stiffness

Shoulder stiffness can be a common and discomforting issue, affecting our daily activities and range of motion. Whether it's due to prolonged sitting at a desk, overuse, or other factors, addressing shoulder stiffness is essential for maintaining upper body mobility and preventing potential injuries.  


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Stand or sit up straight and gently roll your shoulders forward and backwards in a circular motion. This helps to warm up the shoulder muscles and improve blood circulation. 

1. Shoulder Rolls 

Photo by BodyViva 

Bend at the waist, allowing your affected arm to hang down. Swing it gently in a circular motion to alleviate tension and promote flexibility. 

2. Pendulum Stretch 

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Extend your arms straight out to the sides and make small circles in both directions. Gradually increase the size of the circles to work on shoulder mobility. 

3. Arm Circles 

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Tilt your head gently from side to side, bringing your ear toward your shoulder without raising your shoulder. This can help relieve tension in the neck and upper shoulder area. 

4. Neck Tilts 

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Sit or stand with your arms at your sides. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, hold for a few seconds, and then release. Repeat to strengthen the upper back and improve posture. 

5. Shoulder Blade Squeeze 

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Stand with your back against a wall and your arms raised to shoulder height. Slowly slide your arms up and down the wall in a "snow angel" motion, focusing on keeping your shoulder blades against the wall. 

6. Wall Angels 

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Bring one arm across your body and use the opposite hand to gently pull it closer to your chest. Hold for 15-30 seconds to stretch the shoulder muscles. 

7. Cross-Body Arm Stretch 

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Reach one arm behind your back and the other over your shoulder, attempting to touch your fingers together. If you can't reach it, use a towel or strap to bridge the gap and gently pull. 

8. Behind-the-Back Stretch 

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Stand in a doorway with your arms bent at 90-degree angles. Place your forearms against the door frame and lean forward slightly to stretch the chest and shoulders. 

9. Doorway Stretch 

Photo by Holistic Bodyworks 

Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Inhale as you arch your back (Cow), and exhale as you round your back (Cat). This sequence helps release tension in the upper back and shoulders. 

10. Yoga Cat-Cow Stretch 

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Shoulder stiffness can be a bothersome issue, but with regular practice of these exercises, you can improve shoulder mobility, alleviate discomfort, and prevent further stiffness. Incorporate these exercises into your daily routine, and remember to start gently and gradually increase the intensity. 


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