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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Best Herbal Teas for Stress Relief

Many people seek natural remedies to alleviate stress, and herbal teas have long been recognized for their soothing and stress-relieving properties. These aromatic and comforting brews not only offer a moment of relaxation but also provide several health benefits. 


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Chamomile is renowned for its calming and anti-anxiety properties. It can promote relaxation and better sleep, making it an excellent choice for reducing stress. 

1. Chamomile Tea 

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Lavender has a soothing scent that can help reduce stress and anxiety. A cup of lavender tea before bedtime can promote restful sleep. 

2. Lavender Tea 

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Peppermint tea is known for its ability to relax the muscles and ease tension. It can also aid in digestion, which is often affected by stress. 

3. Peppermint Tea  

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Valerian root tea has sedative properties that can promote relaxation and help with insomnia and anxiety. 

4. Valerian Root Tea   

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Lemon balm is a mild sedative that can help reduce anxiety and improve mood. It's particularly effective when consumed regularly. 

5. Lemon Balm Tea 

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Gentle range-of-motion exercises, such as wrist circles, ankle rolls, and shoulder shrugs, can help maintain joint flexibility and prevent stiffness. 

6. Passionflower Tea 

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Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body adapt to stress. Drinking ashwagandha tea can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being. 

7. Ashwagandha Tea 

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Holy basil, or tulsi, is considered an adaptogen and can help the body cope with stress. It also has antioxidant properties. 

8.Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea 

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Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate stress-related digestive issues. It's a warming and comforting tea. 

9.Ginger Tea 

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Rosehips are high in vitamin C, which can help support the immune system during times of stress. A strong immune system is crucial for stress management. 

10. Rosehip Tea   

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Herbal teas offer a delightful and effective way to manage stress and promote overall well-being. There is a wide range of herbal teas to choose from. Incorporating these teas into your daily routine, along with other stress-management techniques like mindfulness and exercise, can help you find moments of calm and relaxation 


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