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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Easy Home Remedies for Cough & Cold

Combat the sniffles and cough with simple, effective home remedies. Discover 9-10 easy solutions to soothe your symptoms and bid farewell to that pesky cold. 


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Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in warm water. Gargle to relieve sore throat and reduce cough. 

1. Warm Saltwater Gargle 

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Combine 1 tablespoon of honey with lemon juice. It soothes throat irritation and boosts immunity. 

2. Honey and Lemon   

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Inhale steam from hot water with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. It may help congestion and promotes easy breathing .

3. Steam Inhalation  

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Brew ginger tea with fresh ginger slices. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, reducing cough and nasal congestion. 

4. Ginger Tea 

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Drink plenty of warm fluids like herbal teas, soups, and water. It keeps the body hydrated and helps relieve congestion. 

5. Stay Hydrated 

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Ensure adequate rest for faster recovery to boost the immune system and aid healing. 

6.  Rest and Sleep   

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Combine 1 tablespoon of honey with ginger juice and have it to relieve throat irritation and cough. 

7. Ginger & Honey  

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Use a humidifier in your room, especially during the night. It adds moisture to the air, reducing cough and nasal irritation. 

8. Humidifier Usage 

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Use saline nasal drops to moisturize and clear nasal passages. It may help ease congestion and promote easier breathing. 

9. Saline Nasal Drops 

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Elevate your head with an extra pillow while sleeping as this helps drain nasal passages and reduces coughing. 

10. Elevation During Sleep 

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Banish cold and cough discomfort with these easy, natural remedies. Incorporate these practices into your routine for a speedy recovery and welcome back your health! 


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