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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Foods To Ease Motion Sickness

Motion sickness, a common ailment triggered by motion or movement, can turn travel and adventure into discomfort and unease. Whether experienced during car rides, flights, or boat journeys, the symptoms of motion sickness can put a damper on your plans. However, there is a range of foods that can help alleviate these symptoms.  


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A renowned remedy for nausea, ginger can be consumed as ginger tea, ginger chews, or added to dishes. 

1. Ginger 

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Peppermint's soothing properties can help calm an upset stomach. Peppermint tea or mints can provide relief. 

2. Peppermint   

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Rich in potassium, bananas can help balance electrolytes and settle the stomach. 

3. Bananas 

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The fibre in apples can aid digestion, while their natural sweetness provides a gentle source of energy. 

4. Apples 

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These bland, starchy snacks can help absorb excess stomach acid and alleviate nausea. 

5. Crackers or Plain Biscuits 

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White rice or plain rice cakes can provide a gentle source of sustenance for a queasy stomach. 

6. Plain Rice 

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Yogurt's probiotics can support gut health and ease digestive discomfort. 

7. Plain Yogurt 

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Chamomile's soothing properties can help relax the stomach and reduce nausea. 

8. Chamomile Tea   

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The scent of lemon or lemon-infused water can provide a refreshing sensation and alleviate nausea. 

9. Lemon 

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With high water content and natural sugars, watermelon can help rehydrate and provide a mild source of energy. 

10. Watermelon 

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Embracing these natural remedies not only provides relief but also enables you to fully enjoy the experiences that life's adventures have to offer. As we conclude our exploration of foods to ease motion sickness, it's evident that nature has provided us with a range of solutions to alleviate discomfort and enhance our journeys.  


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