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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Ginseng: Potential Benefits for Healthy Ageing

Explore the potential benefits of ginseng for healthy ageing. Discover how this ancient herb may support overall well-being as we age gracefully. 


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Ginseng is a traditional herb known for its adaptogenic properties. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to promote vitality and longevity. 

1. What is Ginseng? 

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Ginseng is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which may help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, key factors in the ageing process. 

2. Anti-Ageing Properties 

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Research suggests that ginseng may enhance cognitive function and protect against age-related decline, improving memory, focus, and mental clarity. 

3. Cognitive Function 

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Ginseng is believed to boost energy levels and stamina, helping older adults maintain an active lifestyle and overall vitality as they age. 

4. Energy and Vitality 

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Ginseng has immune-modulating effects, potentially strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of infections and illnesses as we age. 

5. Immune Support 

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As an adaptogen, ginseng may help the body cope with stress more effectively, promoting emotional well-being and resilience in older adults. 

6. Stress Reduction 

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Ginseng has been linked to improved heart health by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels, and enhancing blood circulation. 

7. Cardiovascular Health 

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Studies suggest that ginseng may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing it. 

8. Diabetes Management 

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Ginseng shows promising potential for promoting healthy ageing by supporting cognitive function, energy levels, immune health, and overall well-being. Incorporating ginseng into a balanced lifestyle may contribute to ageing gracefully and maintaining the quality of life. 


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