Health Benefits Of Soluble Fiber 


M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics

Navneet Kaur


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Soluble Fiber is a type of dietary fiber that dissolves in water like pectins and gums. Soluble fiber offers unique health benefits and should be a part of our diet. 

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It provides fullness which helps prevent overeating and reduces overall calorie load. 

1. Support Weight Loss 

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Soluble fiber may delay the release of sugar in the blood and prevent insulin spikes. 

2. Improve Blood Glucose Levels 

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Soluble fiber has been shown to reduce fat absorption by the body and improve cholesterol excretion from the body.  

3. Reduce Harmful Cholesterol 

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Soluble fiber has been shown to absorb water, regulate bowel movement and prevent issues like constipation & diarrhoea. 

4. Alleviate Constipation 

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Soluble fiber foods act as prebiotics and promote the growth of gut-friendly microbes. 

5. Promote Gut Health 

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Soluble fiber encourages the elimination of toxins from the body and supports organ health. 

6. Detoxification 

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Soluble Fiber Foods  - Apple  - Oats  - Carrot  - Barley  - Chicory Root