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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Marathon Race Day Tips

The day of a marathon is a culmination of weeks or even months of training and preparation. As race day approaches, runners may experience a mix of excitement and nervousness. To make the most of this momentous occasion and ensure a successful marathon experience, it's essential to have a well-thought-out plan in place.  


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On race day, follow the same routine that worked during your training. From waking up to pre-race meals and warm-ups, familiarity will reduce stress and ensure consistency. 

1. Stick to Your Routine 

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Avoid the temptation to start too fast with the adrenaline of the race. Begin at a comfortable pace and gradually pick up speed as the race progresses. 

2. Start Slow 

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Adequate hydration is crucial during a marathon. Take advantage of the water stations along the course and consider carrying a small water bottle if needed. 

3. Stay Hydrated 

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Consume the same foods and energy gels you've used during training to avoid digestive issues. Plan your fueling strategy based on your training experience. 

4. Fuel Properly 

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Pay attention to your running form, especially as fatigue sets in. Maintaining good posture and stride mechanics will help prevent injuries and optimize efficiency. 

5. Mind Your Form 

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Stay positive and focused, especially during challenging moments. Use visualization techniques to imagine yourself successfully completing the race. 

6. Focus on Mental Strength 

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If you encounter any discomfort or pain, listen to your body. It's better to slow down or take a brief walk break than risk an injury that could derail your race. 

7. Listen to Your Body 

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Draw energy from the cheering spectators and fellow runners. Their support can be incredibly motivating during tough stretches of the race. 

8. Utilize Crowd Support 

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Break the race into smaller milestones, and celebrate each one you achieve. This mental approach can help you stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset. 

9. Celebrate Milestones 

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Take in the atmosphere and enjoy the experience of running a marathon. Remember that finishing a marathon is an incredible accomplishment, regardless of the time. 

10. Enjoy the Moment 

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The marathon race day is a finale of hard work, dedication, and mental preparation. By adhering to a well-practiced routine, starting with a conservative pace, and fueling properly, runners can set themselves up for success. Staying hydrated, maintaining good form, and focusing on mental strength will help carry athletes through challenging moments.  


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