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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Multivitamins and Their Benefits

Vitamins and minerals are categorised as micronutrients, which are needed in small amounts but are crucial for the body's survival, growth, and functioning. 


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Though their requirements seem small, the roles played by micronutrients are significant and irreplaceable by any other nutrient. 

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Eating a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will provide vitamins and minerals; however, if someone cannot eat a well-balanced diet all the time or does not have access to them, they can opt for supplements.

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Supplements containing multiple vitamins and minerals are called multivitamins. Depending on the composition, multivitamins may contain different nutrients.

They help bridge the gap in nutritional requirements that might exist even after having a well-balanced diet because of malabsorption of nutrients in case there is any medical condition like colitis, IBS, etc.

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People who are on prescription drugs can also experience nutritional deficiency, as some of them hinder the absorption of certain minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.

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Multivitamin supplements contain all the nutrients in easy-to-absorb form, making them bioavailable and suitable for people looking to meet their nutritional requirements. 

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If taken correctly, multivitamin supplements might help maintain organ and vision health, strengthen bones, and support immune health.

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The dosage of multivitamins varies brand-wise. The serving size, which depicts how many capsules or tablets you need to take in a day or at a time, can be checked on the label. A nutritional information table can also be seen to understand the delivery of micronutrients per serve.

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Multivitamins come in handy for people with malabsorption conditions or people on a restricted diet due to a medical condition. It is better to consult a doctor if you have any preexisting conditions or are sceptical about which supplement to take.


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